Tuesday, December 29, 2015

SEO: Url Submission to Search Engine

Submission of URLs to search engine is the first step to getting your site online and to get better rankings in Google. What is an URL? URL is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Wed. An example of an URL is www.yoursitename.com. Eventually the search engine will find your site but this will help expedite the process.

It may take several days, weeks, and/or months for the search engines to index your page or pages. Results may also vary. And factors such as other web sites pointing to your site can affect also this time.

Submitting manually your website is highly recommended. The search engines give no guarantee of ranking your page because you have manually submitted it. It is a tool that is used to let search engines know that they have the information to share. Manually submitting your site is what Google, Yahoo, and Bing. The search engines also have implemented manual submission as best practice to protect themselves from extreme level of spam.

It is also important to submit your site’s pages to major search engine such as Google, Yahoo and Bing because other search engines may have less traffic than Google, Yahoo and Bing but they still have millions of users. Upon submitting a URL or domain name to the search engines, it could take anywhere from two to four weeks to get indexed. Sometimes your page will not be able to get indexed after submission of your site, but if this happens wait for four weeks and then resubmit the page again. It may need a lot of patience and time and effort in submitting your page so that it will get indexed in major search engine.

Here are the steps to submit URL to Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Submit your URL to Google:
Go to the following link: http://www.google.com/addurl/? Continue=/addurl
Sign in to your Google account (@gmail.com)
Type in your URL, an example is : http://www.yousitename.com
Enter the captcha text shown in the box.
Select “Add URL”

Submit your URL to Bing:
Go to the following link: http://www.bing.com/docs/submit.aspx
Type in your URL, an example is : http://www.yousitename.com
Enter the captcha text shown in the box.
Select “Add URL”

Submit your URL to Yahoo:
Go to the following link: http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html
Click on “Submit Your Site for Free”
You will be then redirected to Bing. Just follow the on-screen instructions for submitting your URL.

Submit your sitemap to Ask:
Ask presently does not allow you to submit URLs. However, they allow you to submit your sitemap. But Ask.com has now retired to this feature and says they will be crawling sites instead. You can submit your sitemap by pasting this URL into your browser bar and inserting your actual domain name: SITEMAP: http://www.the URL of your site map.xml. the sitemap location should be the full sitemap URL.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The World of Marketing

What is marketing by definition?
Marketing is the process of introducing a certain products or services, making it appealing to the consumers with the intention of selling that services or products.  Marketing works by choosing the target markets through market analysis and segmentation also includes the consumer behavior.

Marketing principles
To create a good relationship that is worthy for the consumers and the organization, marketers develop a toolkit in making decisions but is not limited to this. First is target markets, these are customers having the needs the marketer believes can be answered. Secondly the products, this includes of goods or services the consumer’s needs. Next is the promotion, this is the process of communicating the product to the market, example of this is advertising. Then distribution, it is the ways used in making the product be available to the market. Next to that is pricing, this is the method for the marketer to check and adjust the amount dispense by the market to get the product or service. Lastly, the supporting services, these includes choices that can heighten the value of the product. This is summarizing by the 4 P’s, product, price, place and promotional strategy. This was later on changed to the 7 P’s concept, product, price, place, promotion, people, positioning and packaging.

Benefits of marketing
Marketing plays a vital role both in the company or organizations and the society.  No company will survive without strong marketing efforts, whether it is to bring revenue and profit to the company or to raise donations or support a cause. The society also benefit with this by creating products that meet up with society’s needs especially those that can improve life’s quality. It can also make an environment open for competition; in return will help lower the prices of the product. It can also improve the distribution process making it accessible geographically and to where there are large numbers of consumers. This can also create demand for products that will necessitate companies to increase their work force. Lastly, this can be a means to deliver messages that can influence the behaviors of the society positively for example an anti-smoking campaign advertisement.

Marketing Consultant
It is the job for marketing consultants to create methods or strategies to make the product or services is known by the market, gain profit, well distributed effectively to the mark consumers. Marketing is a feasible way to introduce a new product or services to the general public and making it into a money-spinning commerce. Therefore, companies need the capability of a marketing consultant so that it can make procedures for jumpstarting and also nourishing or maintaining the success of the business. How to become a consultant, specifically in marketing is stated in steps. You have to have first a degree in business or marketing, and while at school, create a portfolio. Since marketing is a wide field specialized in the area that you are interested. It may sound a cliché but it is easy if you are in your own niche. Apply for entry-level marketing jobs, this are the jobs that will provide training and advancement, honing your skills. Develop a marketing career in 7 or more years, the more years and experience you have the better. Remember that you have to be an expert before you can become a consultant. As you slowly move towards being the consultant, continue to be updated and decide whether you will become the consultant or be your own business. Of course, now that you are in business, we do not want any legality issues, so it is necessary to get a license or certifications needed for a certain state to show your clients that you are valid. Invest brain and money on your marketing. Make sure also that you have reasonable rates for your services. Effectively manage your tasks and your time and understand that you may have a fast-pace lifestyle. Also continue to network or tap resources needed for your marketing growth.

This article was written by knowledge learned from Josh.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The LinkedIn Group

LinkedIn Group is one of the features of the social networking service which is the LinkedIn. This grouping will be a venue for people who are into the same likes or the same commerce. In this clustering they can share topics, make inquiries and find answers, hire for job openings and view postings of the jobs available. They can also create directories for the business and can be an authority in their industry.  You can be a member of the group or you can create it.
The Groups features are the following:

Group Managers or Founders:
Choice of the Manager: Place your cursor over the Hero Image and click the arrow inside the image, so you can see the topics presented in the Manager’s Choice. Click the Search tab and on the left side of the page, choose Set Manager’s Choice Order.
The Image Hero: This is the picture identifying your cluster which a crumpled paper is the default image. It requires a minimum of 646 x 200 pixels, 2 MB as the maximum size and PNG, JPEG or GIF is the format of the picture.

Group Members:
List of Members- Even if the Members tab is taken, you can check the number of members in the group. If you see the Discussions tab, the number of groups is placed in the far right of this tab.
Leaving the Group- Place your cursor over the Member tab near the top right on the Discussions page. When the cursor is over the button name, it will change to Leave. Click it and to confirm click it again.
Link Attachments- To put a link, go to Start a Discussion box. Write the heading and the specifics of the topics. You can paste or encode the URL to the link you want to share and a space at the end in the Add More Details box.
Link Editing- Before you share the topic and you want to correct the title and content around the link, you can do that by clicking the message inside the attachment box. Double click the content to edit. A readily available thumbnail photo can be selected if the option given is <1 of x>.
Items before in the More tab- There is an info sign on the Discussion tab , near top right and then click the tinted links in the thumbnail photo <1 if x>, so you can see the Group Statistics Profile and Rules and Settings.
Jobs or Promotions Announcements- In the Discussions tab, there is a Start a Discussion where you can announced job topics and promotions. To do this, under the Start a Discussion, next to the Discussion type, choose Job or promotion before clicking Share, and make sure both boxes have entry text.
Posts Flagging or Deleting- Click the discussion title to gain access to the discussion then place your cursor over the discussion box. In the right corner, there is an arrow pointing down and then you can choose whether to Delete, Flag as a Job or Flag as a Promotion.
Group Sharing- On the discussions tab, top area, far right is the Share sign that you can click.
Order- On the top right of your homepage there is an image where you will put your cursor and choose Privacy and Settings. Click the “Select you group display order” link from the Groups, Companies & Applications tab. Click Save Changes after selecting the order.

Joining a Group
So you finally found a group that is right for you and share the same interests that you have, and you are aching to join.

Here is how you can do that:
In the Discussions page of the group or anywhere you see the tab, click Join.
If you receive an invite from a group member or manager, answer it.
It is important to note that, managers of the group may check your request or additional details may be requested of you making sure you meet the standards of the membership.

Spams and Focusing on Discussion
There is a steady flow of spams and self- promotion because of the nature of groups having the capacity to access a large crowd without thinking much about spams and solution if it happens. The email address of members is not inspected to check if they are spammers.
People should concentrate on ones with questions or discussions by checking the quality of the discussions especially those topics which are relevant to you or you share the same interests with. You have to constantly check the topics making sure it is not mostly promotional.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Significance of Blogging

Blogging is define as a website containing an online personal paper with opinions, activities, experiences, reflections, comments and sometimes hyperlinks given by the writer.
Blogging is very important since search engines reiterate that the content of the website should be up to date and with fresh content. Blogging has been known long as something created individually as a niche website which allows people to have a little bit of web presence. But in reality, blogging has the possibility to be more than that.
Loyal and possible customers are the group of people that matter in the business. In this modern world, where there is a lot of competition, it is not recommended to solely rely on websites that are controlled by the users because a lot of these websites sometimes give information that are wrong or views that are biased. A blog in business viewed original and official. If the feedback that is given is good for a product manufacturer or provider for service more attention will be paid for it from the users.  Such reviews will not be biased, based on realities and authentic. Some company’s cannot take risks of giving information that are misguided. Having a business blog is necessary in your marketing strategy.

Here are following reasons why blogging is important:

Direct traffic to your site
When you create relatable content that can attract more people to your site, your blog will be the basis for your platforms on your social media. The more people that will check your site, the more traffic it will make to your site. If you have accounts on sites on Facebook or Twitter, make sure you give your viewers reasons to click through your site, and also, post links directly in your blog articles so that you can direct your viewers correctly. The more blogs that you will post the more traffic will be generated. You can do this by creating multiple blogs that relates to the subject you presented. This way, it can increase your presence in the site.

Growth in your SERP/SEO
New content is the key to increase traffic in your site thereby increasing your SEO. This is the way you can defeat your competitors in the results in the search engine page. Use keywords, topics and categories that you want your business to be found. Blogging regularly will automatically increase your keywords in the search.  If you are spending time to make a blog, then make sure that your blog will be seen in the search engines. It does not have to be solely for SEO only, but the basic elements of SEO should be there.

Placing your brand as a head brand
If your articles or blogs is written right, then it will show that your company is the leader in the industry. When you post topics which can voice out your market and can display your expertise, you are in a way marketing your skills for services, product or business you are offering.  Let us take for example, if you are into retailing, write blogs about your products, services or business. You will be the authority for the certain products that they desired.  Be the right place or venue for your own industry. Build trust. If you can show that you know your field well, it will attract more consumers to trust you to give what they want. They also gain benefit from the knowledge you are giving them.

Creating improved relationships with customers
Blogs is a way to communicate with your customer therefore deepening the relationship.  Through online, your clients can access right away on your website, your client will be able to know more about your business or product. As I have stated from the previous paragraph, by being the source of information, you can in turn build trust. Think of yourself if you are the consumer. We all want to be informed right? Then keep them informed and be thankful that you are the one doing the teaching. Respond to comments and converse with your consumer. A blog is searchable in general on your site for a time; meaning to say, the interactions and comments lasts longer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Increase Traffic to the Site with SEO

Search Engine Optimization is an essential part in the online marketing. Every strategy, tactic and actions you take needs to support the goals of Search Engine optimization. There are many creative ways to increase traffic to your website. Some of these ways can cost money and some won’t.

When you create content and share it in the social media, you’ll get referral traffic for a few days. But with the use Search Engine Optimization, the traffic will be consistently poured in long months.

Here are some ways to increase more traffic:
Improve your internet presence by offering free, original, and quality content on your site
Creating content that is helpful and useful, offering people something that is not obtain elsewhere, not to the level of quality that you are offering it means increasing more traffic. Keep it fresh. It is crucial to regularly update your website in order for repeat visits.

Make sure also that you place your tags and the links are not broken to have a fully functioning and successful website. You also need to submit a sitemap.xml file to Google so that when a visitor search in Google, your website will appear.

Supplement your original content
It is helpful to find free products that will allow you to use fully premium branded content that can legally shared.

Try to get more back links on your web site
Try making your content of your web site to be fruitful in information. Have a proofreader for the content of your web site. Poor spelling and incorrect grammar reflects a bad on the services and information being provided and never ever copy-paste information from another web site.

Improve your search engine ranking
Improve your search engine ranking through focusing on your content in the web site and the keywords that are related to your topic. Search Engine Optimization will help people find your web site when searching the web. It is also important to have Meta tags. Meta tags are the software code that website visitors do not see but search engines do.
Get linked
Getting linked is important in the web site management. Exchange links and trading links with other web sites are closely related to the subject of your web site and can bring more website traffic.

Use Social Media
We can’t deny that when most people are connected through the social media. People posts, follow, and shares and re-tweet contents. Follow and share with other users, it is in this way that they may return the favor and follow you too. Let people talk and be a part of their community to promote your content.

Advertise your presence
To increase more traffic means to advertise your presence so that more visitors will visit your web site. And besides using links, it is also important to make use of numerous other ways to increase web traffic in your web site.

Be patient
Using search engine need a lot of time to index a new website and domain.

Friday, November 13, 2015

SEO: Dealing with the Crawlers

Crawlers, or also known as the robots or spiders, are databases that is utilized by search engines to spot a website, scrutinize it, and then decide its significance, therefore the results will produce the ranking for each keywords. According to research, there are two spiders that are very active compared to the others- the Googlebot and the Yahoo Crawler.
Here are some techniques on how to manage them:

Understanding Spiders
It is very important that SEO’s know what they’re dealing with. They should know how the crawlers work, how they investigate a website and their standards in ranking, so that they could provide the needed information.

Robots.txt File
So here it is! Now we know what the spiders would look for every time they check a website- your robots.txt file. Robots.txt file is basically a plain message that is put in the directory of a server root. It is a file which provides data whether or not the search engines would index the site as a whole or only a portion of it. There are a lot of tools that is available for this, but the Google Webmaster Tools is highly recommended in generating this file since it is easily understandable. If it is already checked, do not forget to remove it so to avoid duplicity.

Search engine spam exists, and it always gives us a headache. We want to minimize all the existing variables that would trigger this, and in return improving the efficacy of the search engines, thus delivering the best service to the web users. There is a characteristic enveloped in the link that directs engines not to use the link to induce an effect to the link’s target search engine location. This HTML is what they called, a rel=”nofollow”.
When you allow the general public to comment on your site, the links of those messages could pass your standing to some sites you may not be comfortable guaranteeing. Spam messages are very common and to make sure you’re not doing junk sites, not following is the best thing to do.

nofollow” to forums and message columns
This suggestion may also be used with referrer listings, comment columns or message boards. You can do it by yourself by turning on comment moderation or using an application called Captcha.

nofollow” for single content, etc.
It can be used by giving a warning to other sites without staining your site reputation. For instance, you’re making a blog on a certain topic such as, dealing with crawlers and you want to mention a site that commented that your post is a spam, and you want to caution others by placing the link in the subject, and then use the “nofolllow”, so that it will not be traced back from your link.

nofollow” via robots meta tag
This scheme is written as <meta name “robots” content=”nofollow”>. This is situated within the <head> tag of a specific page’s HTML.

Spiders will scrutinize everything in your site; you just have to let them look into the right directions. This will manage the traffic in your site and will give you the possibility of increasing your rank.